Oxford Revise OCR GCSE Geography Answers
Chapter 1 Global atmospheric circulation and weather
Chapter 2 Why do we have weather extremes?
Chapter 3 When does extreme weather become hazardous?
Chapter 4 How do plate tectonics shape our world?
Chapter 5 How can tectonic movement be hazardous?
Chapter 6 What evidence is there for climate change?
Chapter 7 What makes a landscape distinctive?
Chapter 8 What influences the landscapes of the UK?
Chapter 9 Coastal and river landforms
Chapter 10 Coastal landscape
Chapter 11 River landscape
Chapter 12 Why are natural ecosystems important?
Chapter 13 Why do tropical rainforests matter?
Chapter 14 Why are tropical rainforests being exploited?
Chapter 15 What will you find in polar environments?
Chapter 16 Why do people live in urban areas?
Chapter 17 A city in an advanced country
Chapter 18 A city in an emerging developing country
Chapter 19 Why are some countries wealthier than others?
Chapter 20 How has an LIDC developed so far?
Chapter 21 Global connections influencing the LIDC’s development
Chapter 22 What does the UK look like in the 21st century?
Chapter 23 How is the UK’s population changing?
Chapter 24 How is the UK’s economy changing?
Chapter 25 What is the UK’s political role in the world?
Chapter 26 How is the UK’s cultural influence changing?
Chapter 27 Will we run out of natural resources?
Chapter 28 Will we be able to feed everyone by 2050?
Chapter 29 Strategies to achieve food security
Chapter 30 Geographical fieldwork